"Belgium, officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a country in northwestern Europe, on the north borders to the North Sea and the Netherlands, to the east of Germany, and to the south to Luxembourg and France. It covers 30,538 km² and has about 10.5 million inhabitants. It is one of the founding members of the European Union with many institutions necessary for its smooth functioning, together with its neighbors, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, it compose Benelux. Due to their position, an important European linguistic border is taking place across the country, two important language groups have been formed in the country Flanders, in which people mostly speak Dutch, and Wallonia, in which people speak mostly French, but there is still a smaller group of German-speaking residents. Because of these linguistic and cultural differences, there have been frequent political disputes in the country, which they still do not see end. Belgium is among the smaller European countries, and at the same time one of the most populous and richer. Due to its favorable position, it has been developing into a commercial and industrial country since the Middle Ages. Due to its position, it became the target of numerous conquests and battles that bravely marked European and Belgian history." SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA |